leadership consultancy

Customized leadership consultancy to help you access higher expressions of your mission and leadership potential. This will impact all areas of life and business.

We help you streamline your higher potential with the higher potential of your company & mission

As a leader, you can never take your company beyond the limitations of your own configuration.

Your evolution as a human and leader goes hand in hand with the growth and possibilities available for your company. The Hermetic principle “as within, so without” teaches us that what appears on the screen of our outer reality, is a projection of our own inner configuration expressed outwardly. That is why as a leader you can never take your company beyond the limitations of your own configuration.

This understanding of the interconnectedness between you as a leader and your company is an empowering realization and responsible position. Because it means that by dissolving your (unconscious) patterns, limiting beliefs, mental programming, trauma and more, you directly open up new possibilities for your company.

Unfortunataly, a lot of the above mentioned restrictions remain unconscious, where certain inner structures and patterns can go unnoticed for years or decades, while they do impact our life and leadership on a day-to-day basis. But once they do come into conscious awareness, this is a total gamechanger.

For long periods of time in leadership history, this has not been recognized. But this is now changing. In the new paradigm of leadership, leadership development is not necessarily charactized by the need to become or know more, but by letting go of what you are not, so more of your innate potential can be freed. 

This also includes your innate gifts, talents and wisdom. Each individual holds within itself a unique blueprint encoded with certain potential. Your true essence does not need to be reminded of who you are or what that potential is. When it is freed from that which it is not (limiting beliefs, mental programs, traumas, somatic blockages and more), it will naturally open up and express that potential from within.

THE FUTURISTS recognizes this. We offer leadership consultancy that draws a parallel between your own inner configuration and higher individual potential, and the higher possibilities available for your company.

The new paradigm of leadership is not about the need to become or know more, but about letting go of what you are not so more of your innate (company) potential can be freed.


We work directly with Higher Intelligence and the guidance of your soul. This makes our consultancy extremely effective.

Our consultancy offers both insights, practical guidance and deep transformation. The leadership transformations we facilitate go far and deep, creating lasting changes in your state of being that will have a direct impact on the reality of your company and other areas of your life, including your creativity, vitality and overall zest for life. 

Because we work directly with Higher Intelligence and the guidance of your soul, we will be able to clearly see what is restricting or impacting you without many words needed. This makes our consultancy extremely effective. We are able to view higher expressions of both your company and leadership potential that are still in the invisible, unmanifested world waiting to be materialized, and from this place of awareness we offer and facilitate guidance, insights and activation.

Each session is fully customized, meeting you exactly where you are and providing that which is needed to support your evolution as a human and leader of your company. We will use your current life and business catalysts and triggers to alchemize aspects of your inner world that have been projected on the outer screen of life itself. Once inner alchemy has taken place, the outer world will start to reflect these changes. 

Our work focuses both on the spiritual, mental, energetic, emotional and/or somatic level of your existence and will bring to the fore the practices and guidance that best serve you.


What we (can) cover


Your Customized Leadership Transformation

If you are interested in working together, we invite you to book a discovery call below, where we have the opportunity to get to know each other and outline the intentions for our potential collaboration.

Our leadership consultancy experiences are completely customized, including the duration, the number of sessions and the investment. It is our priority that all aspects of your unique experience are tailored to you specifically. 

Even though our main focus is initially on your personal evolution and individual configuration, in many ways your company reality is intertwined with your personal experience. Therefore, it is in inevitable that the conversations within our sessions will blend both company and personal reality.

Additionally, because your company is essentially also an integrated part of your higher expressed leadership potential, if and when appropriate, guided and desired, we may also focus on what your company needs in order to grow into its next stage of development and success. To which extend we include business consultancy can be discussed during our discovery call. 

Does this service include business consultancy?

What Others Say


“Her gift is truly amazing. She intuitively connects with you and is able to bring up blockages and limiting beliefs that you may be suppressing or not realizing are even there. After our session, I have much more clarity on the long-term plan for my business and the best next steps. I would highly recommend Jennifer for her coaching to get you through whatever business blocks you may be facing (consciously or subconsciously) right now.”

Lauren, Corporate Business Strategist & Brand Specialist 


“I used to work with a business coach. I got the basics down and that was what I needed at the time. But I wanted to go further, and I knew that the answer for that was not to focus more on the external but to go deeper inside myself. Then I met Jennifer (of course, no coincidence). Jennifer is the person to go to when you want to get out of your head and go on that deep journey within. You are going to see things, and feel things… you have no idea. Trust me, it’s amazing, magical, and life-changing. It will make your whole life and business more joyful and successful.”

Marit, Human Resources 


“Working with Jennifer is like seeing your gifts, your business, your purpose and everything related to you, from a space of truth, which is truly nourishing and enlightening on its own. In the experience with her, she has touched on many aspects including family, inner child, gifts, and practical aspects. She is extraordinary and her gift of being able to see the potential and the true worth of your gifts, business, and purpose is truly unbelievable and simply incredible. She is a GEM.” 

Aman, Frequency Medicine Facilitator

In Summary

What: Customized leadership consultancy to help you access higher expressions of your leadership potential. This will impact all areas of life and business.

Including: A customized package including several (online) sessions. Including messaging support in between calls. 

Investment: Varies per package. The investment is also completely customized.